School Year 1967-1968

Administration and Teaching Staff    School Year 1967-1968

High School Senior Graduates with a
Short Video courtesy of Rey V. Galvez.

First Year HS   -   School Year 1967-1968

Third Year HS School Year 1967-1968

HS Batch ’68 when in Grade II in School Year 1959-1960

HS Batch ’68 when in Grade IV in School Year 1961-1962

HS Batch ’68 when in Grade VI in School Year 1963-1964

HS Batch ’68 Girls when in 2nd Year in School Year 1965-1966

HS Batch ’68 Girls when in 3rd Year Y in School Year 1966-1967

HS Batch ’68 when in 4th Year in School Year 1967-1968

HS Batch ’68 after 30+ years.

High School Senior Basketball Team and Muses

High School Senior Trendsetters

Some High School Senior students with Mr. Alberto Caparas

Some HS Senior Girls

Some HS Senior Girls in white

HS Senior Girls’ Outing

Cesar Tiojanco with classmates

Cesar Tiojanco with classmates and much younger students.

BSEEd III   -   School Year 1967-1968

BSEEd I, II and III   -   School Year 1967-1968

BSE I   -   School Year 1967-1968

BSE Department   -   School Year 1967-1968

After Holy Retreat

Florante at Laura School Play

Sor Petra O.S.A. awarding Modern Mathematics Seminar Certificate to José Vergara

Some College Students (L-R): Saturnino Custodio, Mercedes Gatchalian, Clarita Gatchalian, Estrellita Gatchalian, Rustica Carasig and José Vergara

A Book Sale